Sliders (Breast, Hip, Waist, Butt, Head and more). Just make suré you dont sharé your gamé with anyone whós not of thé age to pIay this mod.Ĭrime and murdér happen aróund us every dáy, yet the worId of óur Sims seems prétty peaceful now thát burglars are nó longer a féature in the gamé. As I posted here, I started working on Body Sliders for Sims 3. Thankfully, the Extreme Violence mod adds a bit (or a lot, depending on what you prefer) of spice into the lives of your Sims.

How roBurky’s fat mod works on the Sims 4 This mod is essentially a bundle. I am looking for a breast slider mod that allows me to create larger breasts than normal. You can even turn on free will, which we would advise against since it might end up in the entire neighborhood just massacring each other. This is needed.i mean not all big people have big butt,and not all skinny people have skinny.Piercing please-lip,belly,eyebrow,nose.movable tattos-more chin.Some CC skins have really nicely shaped. It has combined plenty of famous mods together and brought them under one menu. So, it’s easier and faster to use than any other mod out there The Menu This mod comes with an in-game menu. Through it, you will be able to modify your game however you like.

I had a breast slider mod that had allowed me to essentially create infinitely huge breasts, but it broke a while ago and Ive been looking for a similar mod since. In reality, wére not as rationaI as óur Sims, which is what thé Emotional Overcharge móds seeks to rémedy.